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Lightsaber Variation

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Lightsaber Variation

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:56 pm

Lightsabers are weapons that were created personally by their wielders. They were tasked with seeking out components that "called out" to them with the Force. They were designed to match their users, and while some may resemble others, no two were ever alike. A lightsaber is a personal weapon, with the various people out there, surely there are more than one kind of lightsaber.

While Lightsabers are famously depicted as being hilts being deployed as swords, these are the standard variations of hilts. However, the design is relatively simplistic and can be employed in various different forms. Some favor specific forms and some require rare materials to be used.

Last edited by Roman on Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Standard Hilt Saber

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:57 pm

Typically effective at any of the forms, the Standard Hilt is the most common hilt in the Galaxy. The standard lightsaber consists of a straight hilt approximately 20-30 centimeters long. As is the standard make, it has no defining features other than details on individual hilts, as each weapon is often self-fabricated by the wielder and customized to suit their specifications. One Variation to the Standard Hilt Lightsaber is the Sabercane, which merely is a hilt concealed as the handle of a cane.

Lightsaber Variation Qui-Gon%27s_lightsaber

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Curved Hilt Lightsaber

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:04 pm

The hilt is curved either at the emitter, pommel and/or the middle of the hilt. It's main focus is that the curvature allows for a shift in balance, allowing for differing angles of attack. It also accentuated the power in attacks. This makes it a good weapon for Form II and V, and as such it is referred to as a dueling saber

Lightsaber Variation Dookus11

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Shoto

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:06 pm

Also known as "the short Saber". The hilt and blade are smaller than the standard saber. It is often used as a defensive, or "off-hand" weapon. It is also favored by Force Users of diminutive size.

Lightsaber Variation Old-re10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Makashi Lightsaber Controversy

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:08 pm

There is some discrepancy between what would make a good "Makashi Lightsaber". Due to the films, many people believe that it is the curved hilt. However, many others say it's the Shoto. The length of the hilt allows for tight control and aside from a lack of basket or handguard is the closest to an actual rapier hilt.

A curved hilt is considered a duelist's hilt in that it allows for different angles. It also makes moves like Sun Djem difficult to perform due to the design and the way the curved hilt had to be held, which is part of Makashi's techniques.

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Guard Shoto

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:11 pm

A variation of the Shoto. It is modeled after the Japanese tonfa, a short handled weapon with a perpendicular grip. The weapon is used underhanded, and is good for trapping,slashing and stabbing, making it a good form V weapon. Not as good in attacking. Requires a considerable amount of skill and training.

Lightsaber Variation Guard_10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Dual Phase

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:15 pm

The Lightsaber is a weapon utilizing an extending blade. A Dual Phase Lightsaber extends the blade out further than the standard. Somewhat similar to the mythical extending staff of Sun Wukong in Journey of the West. Typically Dual Phase Lightsabers were good to catch the opponent off guard as they could extend a Lightsaber to up to twice the original size instantly.

Lightsaber Variation Dual-p10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Light Club

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:17 pm

The opposite of the Shoto, in that it is a massive hilt that is meant for Force users of Massive Size

Lightsaber Variation Gorcsl10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Double Bladed Saber

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:19 pm

A staff-based hilt that produces two blades on either side. Widely regarded as a Sith weapon, especially as it is the weapon of Darth Maul. Covers 4 times the area as a regular saber. Utilizes broad, circular motions in attacking and defending. There is a variation where both ends are curved. The use of the curved staff requires intense focus, as moving the saber move the balance point on the staff.

Lightsaber Variation Darth_10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Saber Pike

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:21 pm

A Staff-based hilt that has a smaller blade at the top. The staff is predominantly made of some lightsaber resistant material. Good on range, and seems to prefer shiaki strikes. A variety of this is the Long Handle Saber whose hilt is several times longer than the standard hilt, but not as long as a staff.

Lightsaber Variation Xpike10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Light whip

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:22 pm

A Lightsaber whose beam is not restricted in the static position and is capable of moving. Highly unpredictable, and is just as much a risk to the wielder as the opponent. One has to know how to use a regular whip before using this weapon. The most famous user was Lumiya, who used a lightwhip that also had cortosis strands, making it an energy and physical based weapon.

Lightsaber Variation Nights10

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Long-handle Saber

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:23 pm

Built to cater to specific fighting styles, long handle lightsabers featured a lengthened handle that provided the duelist with more surface area to place his hands, and providing more leverage for attacks. The Length of long-handled lightsabers varied considerably, with some examples, such as the weapon of Warb Null simply being double the length of standard hilts, and others, such as Darth Nihil's weapon, being staffs with a lightsaber blade on the end.

Lightsaber Variation Darth_11

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:27 pm

While most lightsabers shorted out when the blade touches water, this blade was made to operate underwater due to two crystals employed in a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse. Generally only Force users from aquatic races would go to the trouble of constructing a waterproof saber, as only they had the mobility to use it effectively underwater.

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Lightsaber Variation Empty Electrum detail

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:27 pm

The only difference an electrum-detailed lightsaber possesses compared to any of the above, is that its casing was built with the golden electrum metal. A purely cosmetic accessory, this feature was only allowed to high-ranking members of the Jedi Order, and within the Sith, only allowed to the top members of the Dark Council (Emperor, Chairman, Master of Weapons, and Master of the Force)

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