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Lightsaber Forms

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Lightsaber Forms

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:01 pm

There are currently Seven Lightsaber Forms. These forms all have different purposes.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form I: Shii Cho

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:03 pm

"The beginning is a very delicate time..."

Lightsaber Forms FormI-TJP

Shii Cho is the First Form. It is referred to as the Determination Form, or the Way of the Sarlaac. It focuses on simplistic, albeit relentless, tactics.

Shii Cho was developed as force users began to transition from regular swords to lightsabers as means of melee combat (at this point, Lightsabers were bulky Siege weapons). As such, its foundation are the basic of all sword fighting, including strike zones, parries and blocks. It was a two handed form, relying on broad sweeping motions. Masters of Shii Cho were noted as having a distinct, watery flow.

Every Jedi and Sith had to learn Shii Cho when they began training. In A New Hope, when Obi-Wan has Luke training on the Millennium Falcon with the Remote, that is a Shii Cho practice (it gets mirrored with the Youngling training in Episode II). It teaches body movement, where to strike, while getting used to the feeling of the weapon. At the end of the scene in a New Hope, where Luke is blindfolded, it also teaches what seperates wielding a lightsaber from holding a blade: Trust in the Force.

Shii Cho is used for crowd control. Its wide, angular motions are ideal for dealing with groups as it is constantly moving forward, like a bulldozer. In this regard, the lightsaber still maintains it's use as a Siege weapon. In terms of Combat, it has very strong similarities with Niman, in that it covers most of its bases. However, in this regard, it is meant as a teaching tool.

Unfortunately, as Shii Cho is the first form, it is all one of the forms placed under the harsher criticism. As Lightsabers became in popular use Amongst other Force Using groups, duels were expected. While there are some duelists who used mainly Shii Cho, many found the form lacking in single combat, and therefore created Makashi in response.

Philosophically, Shii Cho follows the principle of "Keep it simple, stupid." Its movements are broad and deliberate, made dangerous in a constant, ever advancing barrage. In terms of modern warfare, Shii Cho can be likened to a shotgun blas: Powerful, can clear a space in a heartbear, and completely devoid of any subtlety. It didn't have all the answers, but serves as a stable groundwork for potential work.

In terms of an actual, real life Martial Art analog, it is hard to pin this one down. It is already admitted to be based from the basicsof swordplay. With few exceptions, all basic swordplay is relatively the same; it's only when you start learning the details of a specific school do you get the differences. It makes sense that Shii Cho would be a Double Handed form, as it's easier to learn control of the blade with two hands before you start relying on only one.

In studying aspects like the Marks of Contact, one could find that Shii Cho leans towards Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu, sword styles that focus on using the katana, or some variation thereof (bokken, shinai, etc). In training, the sword positions must be exact, to the most extreme degree. Angles of the blade work, footing, body mechanics. All must be perfect to the milimeter. The training with a lightsaber, a weapon that can cut without a second thought, should be taught similarily. This makes sense, as the lightsaber was meant to be a homage to the mythical aspects of the katana just as the Jedi and Sith represented the dual aspects of the Samurai who wielded them.

Shii Cho is the beginning Form, and therefore is the first to introduce the Marks of Contact. Sun Djem, the disarming of an opponent by Either destroying or otherwise removing the weapon from the opponent. Shii Cho was also about to understanding and controlling the blade. Being able to use the Shiim to graze a limb instead of cutting it whole would seem to me to show mastery in controlling the blade.

Last edited by Roman on Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form II: Makashi

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:11 pm

"Eloquence belongs to the Conqueror"

Lightsaber Forms Makashi1

The Second Form of Lightsaber combat is Makashi. It is referred to as the Contention Form, or the Way of the Ysalamiri. This is an appropriate name, as the Ysalamiri in the Star Wars Universe have the ability to nullify the Force.

After Lightsabers became the norm in a Force-User's life, it was only a matter of time before they decide to turn the weapon on each other. This came around the same time as the arrival of Dark Jedi. Makashi was the answer. It uses precision cuts, thrusts, parries and feints, and it relied on a linear (back and forth) mode of the footwork. Where Shii Cho was double handed, broad, blatant, and relied on the whole arm and forward motion, Makashi is one handed, precise, subtle, and relied on wrist control and body movement, which bordered on dancing.

The Main, and really only example of Makashi in the Star Wars Movies is the form of Count Dooku, former Jedi Master and Sith Lord. He is the overall template for what Form II use is. He uses clean movmeents without the usual elaboration that is inherent in the fighting styles of his opponents. When someone attacks high, he blocks high. When they attack low, he blocks low. However, it should be noted that while Dooku is the Prime Example of Form II, not every move he does should be considered Makashi. As a rule, users of the Form were encouraged to take from the other forms to make up for disadvantages as well as to negate predictability.

Makashi is unarguably the Duelist's form. Like Shii Cho, it follows its principles of "Keep it simple". It doesn't go for flash, and isn't one for flourishing in combat. It's quick, controlled motions however can be confused for flourishing. It protected the main body in rapid arcs and body motions. In forms where a person's physical attributes were key, this form is made made more dangerous by the people using it. It required a person of Keen Intellect with a sense of timing to make this a truly monstrous form. There are many who believe that users of this form would be the clear victors of any duel against another form (such as Shii Cho). Makashi is not a game breaker, but it definately has the advantage in this field.

However, Form II doesn't come without its own hang-ups. It was focused strongly on one opponent, and the more opponents that are on the field, the more difficult it could become. This can be fixed by modifying the form, but as seen in the fights with Dooku, he is often forced to eliminate one opponent before he can make a dent. Form II, however, was not developed to deal with ranged attacks. This weakness is addressed in Form III: Soresu.

Philosophically, Makashi is a very interesting Form. It tells you something about the way lightsaber duels were treated in the time. There were standardized salutes, and the entire form is built around the concept of one on one dueling. If this is the case, then battles in the Old Republic could have been Champion Warfare, where one specific member held sway in battle, or the war was decided by several specific fighters. The main example of this is in the Illiad, and other iterations of the Trojan War.

Another key factor in this form was the Users themselves. This was a style that promoted modifications based on the personal limitations of the User. Many of the Form II users had a confidence that bordered on Aristocratic arrogance, and some of the users are far past that border. This form was also a specialist form in the sense that it was meant for one thing only: taking on other force users. This makes Jedi who use them a special breed, and fits into the combative nature of Dark Jedi and Sith.

It makes sense that this form would come immediately after SHii Cho. Form I focused on controlling the blade, understanding the lightsabers movements and being able to move with it. Makashi is the refinement of that. Now that you know how to wield the blade, you can now refine that control. This is seen in the Marks of Contact Shiim and Shiak (grazing and Stabbing, respectively). Shiim is a grazing motion and requires knowing how to stop the blade and not maim. Control like that is what Shii Cho teaches. Shiak is being able to stab precisely anywhere on the body, which is perfectly in like with Makashi's blade work. You need to learn one to understand the other, and together, they were instrumental in mastering blade work.

From every single description, it is clear that Makashi is based on Fencing. Its focus on single handed attacks, back and forth motions, finesse, elegance, economy of motion and its preference in dueling, all lean towards this form of martial art. The main question that crops up in the community is which version of fencing would it fit mostly? Is it the Olympic Fencing (Foil, Epee, and Saber), with its controlled motions and linear movements? Is it Re-creationist Fencing (as seen in Renaissance Fairs) with it's more fluid, more naturally and gracefully combative approach? Or is it something else entirely?

The answer to that is, well, "yes". If the basis of all saber use (shii Cho) is from the amalgamated basics of sword use, then the basis of sword against sword combat should be the amalgamated basics of dueling forms. It has the structure of Olympic Fencing with its linear cadence, as well as a focus on attacking the body core while it keeps the combative nature of re-creationist Fencing. Re-creationist Fencing and Saber Fencing do not also take into account cutting. A lightsaber is a cutting weapon, it would be impractical to deny that use. Another good analogue is the use of the Jain, or Chinese Straight Sword. It is more flourishy than the fencing forms, but it's attacks still keep with the overall feel of Makashi.

A system that lends itself nicely to producing the effects of Fencing is the Letters system. The Letters focus on several specific points on the body: shoulder, hips, head, groin, and thrusting areas in the body's core. The letters come from a sort of attack pattern on each. Having learned this system from its strongest supporters in the community, we know that it is at the least a tool to learn quick movements that are precisely aimed at the target. There are no general area attacks; if you're to attack (Stage combat attack, not real life attack) the shoulder, then you will attack the shoulder, not the arm below it or the neck above it. This system was taught by a fencer and is used in many of the different branches of the community as well as several re-creationist/Ren Fair groups.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form III: Soresu

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:29 pm

"If you sit by the river long enought, you will see the body of your enemy float by"

Lightsaber Forms Soresu1

The Third Form of Lightsaber Combat is Soresu. It is referred to as The Resilience Form and the way of the Mynock, a bat-like creature that can survive in the dark vacuum of space.

As the War between the Jedi and the Dark Side came to a close in the Days of the Old Republic, so too did the need for Lightsaber dueling. The Jedi began to form into the now defunct Order people are familiar with. The Jedi were Peacekeepers, Defenders of the Republic, Diffusers of Conflict. It was also during this time that Blasers became wide-spread throughout the Galaxy, to which Makashi and Shii cho were not wholly adept in dealing with. It is here that Soresu, a wholly defensive Form, was born.

Soresu is a stark contrast of the previous two Forms. Where Shii Cho and Makashi relied on broad blade use and linear footwork, Soresu relied on keeping the blade close to the body and using borad footwork to move around the playing field. Any sweepoing motions were kept short and never left the main core of the body, still protecting it as a shield. A Soresu user only attacks when it is necessary. and only when the opponent provides an opening. HOwever it is not wholly passive. Remember, a lightsaber is an all cutting weapon. Yes, it can repel other laser based weaponry, but it can still cut. Soresu Users were equated to the Eye of a Storm. They were Calm and serene, while all around them was violence and movement. The same is true for people engaging a SOresu User. Moving towards a Soresu User is like Flying into the Path of a Cyclone or Hurricane; it is nothing short of suicide or desperation. Soresu is the predominant Form of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi is, inarguably, the consummate Jedi in the films. He is the one we look at in the Original Trilogy and go: "This is a Jedi". That he would use Soresu, which relies on patience and cunning rather than brute strength and violence tells you something not only of the mindset of Kenobi, but of the Jedi at their core. It should be noted, however, that Kenobi was also a user of Form IV, Ataru, as well as being taught Shii Cho along with everyone else in the Jedi Order. This means that not everything you see him use in any of the films is wholly Soresu.

Soresu is the ultimate Defense Form. Ranged attacks, Melee Attacks, Single or Multiple Opponents, Soresu could adapt to all of these situations. Kenobi, a master of Soresu, was said to be able to block any strike and was able to move less than 20 strikes per second. The Form was good for small incursions. It was best utilized by people with high concentration of Focus, Patience and Observational skills.

While Soresu is the ultimate Defense, that is ultimately its weakness. Soresu can block a blade or blaster round better than any of the other forms. However, that is all it does. Soresu relies on the chance that one's opponent(s) will grow tired and create and opening. There is no such thing as Initiative in wielding Soresu. If a Form II user finds themselves in a protracted battle against massive numbers, or against one highly aggressively overwhelming attacker, then they will beomce the ones most likely to tire and creat openings for attack. Like everything that promotes Stasis and safety, it runs the risk of Stagnatation. It is not surprising that many of the remaining forms were developed either as a contrast or to answer the weaknesses in Soresu.

Soresu marks another progression in Saber Combat. While Forms I and II helped teach control and precision, Form III now focuses on applying that to defense. Soresu protects the body, including the Marks of Contact. This defense continues until the user is able to "DIffuse" the situation. This often means that the target of few strikes that Soresu users wield focus on the Marks of Contact to stop the conflict.

Trying to find a good analogue for Soresu is problematic. It is quite difficult to find a Martial Art that is purely defensive. It's our belief that, like SHii Cho and Makashi before it, that Soresu is an Amalgamation of several different weapon defense principles. If we had to be forced to make a decision on any martial art or weapon use that matches Soresu, we would have to pick the Chiense Broadsword, or Dao. The blade work is fast, and kept close to the body. The user does several rapid flourishes for deflection. They attack sporadically. It also employs nonlinear footwork that is paramount in Soresu. Another system that works well with the principles of Soresu is the Defense side of the Alphabet system used in Stage Combat. Where attacks in the Alphabet promote the precision and directness of Makashi, the defensive movements are static. They're flat, 180 degree blocks that block the vital portions of the body (head, groin, shoulders, and hips). This allows for attacks to bounce off or ricochet, there are no deflections. Any attacks that come from this either come from the defender explointing an opening in the attack.

Interestingly enough, a source for blaster oriented Soresu comes from another athletic endeavor. There are many in the community who find Tennis to be a close analogue to Soresu. To do the same with a saber, it is obvious that patience and focus-two main aspects of soresu-are required to react and deflect the projectile accurately.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form IV: Ataru

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:31 pm

"Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may beomce wise. It is the true warrior who can master both.... and surpass the result."

Lightsaber Forms Ataru

The Fourth Form of Lightsaber Combat is Ataru. It is referred to as The Aggression Form and the Way of the Hawk-Bat. The Hawk-Bat is a raptavian (reptile and bird hybride) creature that is commonly found in urban areas and is notoriously aggressive as it is graceful, as such is Ataru.

Ataru was developed sometime after Soresu. Jedi were tasked with being peacekeepers throughout the galaxy. While many favored Form III to diffuse situations with as little bloodshed as possible, the Order realized that sometimes violence was the only answer. Such times included the rising conflicts with the Mandalorians, the fierce warrior culture that served to be just as much a threat to the Jedi as the Sith before them.

Ataru is marked as the second most kinetically active form aside from Form VII. It relied on speed, acrobatics and power. It is also the form that most heavily relied on the Force to augment these attributes. This use of the Force allowed an even playing field for Force Sensitives with potential disadvantages in combat, such as size, lack of mobility and age. Its attacks were wide and fast from all angles while flowing into one another, creating continuity. It was the offensive version of its sister form: Soresu. both relied on speed, The Force, a nonlinear move set as well as mindset in its applications.

Form IV is the most predominant of the Forms in the movies. Nearly every major Jedi character we met has had some experience in Ataru. This is the Form of Qui-Gon Jiin and Obi-Wan in the Phantom Menace. After the duel with Darth Maul and the death of Qui Gon, Obi-Wan moved to form III, however, the high energy of Ataru is still evident throughout the Clone Wars. Anakin studied Ataru, and employed it with his Form V in his early years, which he would later abandone with the loss of his limbs and his ability to augment them with the Force.

The most prolific user of the Form is Grand Master Yoda, all two feet of him. His version of Ataru requires high acrobatics and spinning to compensate for his short stature. However, the other major user is the aforementioned Jinn, who was over six foot tall. Qui Gon uses a variation on the form that uses more physical attacks and less acrobatics. While many consider the Yoda version to be the "true" example of Ataru, the Qui Gon version shows that there is some variability in the Form. The Ultimate Point seems to be a complete and total use of one's body in the attack.

Ataru is the barrage of energy. The form was particularly strong against a single opponent in wide spaces. It was effective in its ability to attack from any given angle and in its fast reaction time. This made it a highly adaptive form that could be utilized in multiple scenarios.

Unfortunately, the form had its fair share of weaknesses. It was not particularly good with multiple opponents and wasn't good with dealing with blasters. As stated, the Form required a large field of play, an Ataru user would be limited in their movements in confined spaces. Its other main weakness was that, like Soresu, one could not keep to Form indefinitely. Eventually, fatigue would set in. It is quite believed that these two factors are what ultimately lead to Qui-Gon's death at the hands of Maul. Even Yoda, who is one of the most prolific Force Users on record, is seen tired after his duel with Dooku.

There is something that should be said with Ataru: While Soresu was considered to be the most commonly used of the seven Forms, Ataru is the one we most commonly see through one form or another. This may be because in the films, we are watching Jedi in aggressive situations that call on attacks. Also, it may be because dramatically, having the Jedi do nothing but defend would get dull after a while. This is also part due to the fact that the Forms were thought of during the prequels instead of before, and many of the Forms and stances were tagged as this or that.

Within Saber Combat, Ataru marks the final basic step. Form I, II, and III rely on Control, Precision, and Defense respectively. Form IV focuses on attacking with great speed and agility. The idea is to end the conflict by striking a Mark of Contact before the opponent can accurately defend and respond after this, the next three forms use the concepts of its four predessors in ways to suit their philosophy.

In speaking of Martial Arts terms, Ataru is clearly a Hard Form. By this, we mean that it is high on offense. It focuses on striking the opponent in a barrage of attacks. With that in mind, there are a wide rage of martial arts to consider. The First would be Chinese Martial Arts in general. In this we mean anything that goes under the blanket terms "Kung/Gung Fu" and "Wushu". We say this because both forms use the entire body in their motions, creating an almost dance-like tornado. Special Considerations include Karat, which is the quintessential Hard Form. Other styles that should be considered is Capoeira, which uses dance like moves to employ striking and even grappling, and parkour, which uses body mechanics to adapt to obstacles. The ultimate point is using the body to its full potential while attacking.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form V: Shien/Djem So

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:34 pm

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try and kill them right back!"

Lightsaber Forms Djem-So

The Fifth Form of Lightsaber Combat is in fact Two Forms. Shienn and Djem So. Both are considered part of the Perseverance Form, or Way of the Krayt Dragon. The Krayt Dragon was a fierce and powerful reptile that was native to the Desert Planet of Tatooine. This has some significance as this is the Lightsaber Form most associated with The Skywalkers.

Shien was the first of the two to be developed and was created during the same time as Ataru. Form V was in direct resposne to Soresu as some Jedi felt that the Absolute Defense mentality of Soresu prolonged battle. Instead of deflecting blaster rounds with the blade for simple protection, Shien focused on redirecting the blaster round back to the attacker or attackers. Instead of waiting for an opening, Form V created the opening, Shien was a combination of Form II and Form III also making it adept in melee combat. It's counterpart Djem So, was developed later on. It focuses primarily on Saber Dueling. Like its twin, it focuses on redirecting and countering the opponent's attack, but focuses more on brute strength and overpowering the opponent with broad, wide power strokes.

As stated before, Form V is the Form most associated with the Skywalekrs. Anakin was an acomplished Master of Shien and Djem So, with his main focus being on Djem So. Anakin would use Form V as his base form whileadding other Forms into the mix. Anakin is the only one on record of having used all Seven Forms at one point or another during his lifetime. At the beginning, he employed a more Ataru-centric of Djem So. As Vader he employed Makashi and Juyo with his Djem So. His son, Luke, instinctively mirrors his father's form. On the flip side, both of Anakin's apprentices, Ahsoka Tano and Galen Marek, employed Shien, using the underhand style. Anakin tried to break Ahsoka of the trait to favor the standard grip and Galen only uses the underhanded as an opening attacking, switching to standard immediately afterwards.

One question that needs to be addressed with Form V is this: What is the difference between Shien and Djem So? Yes, Shien is made for blaster and Djem So for Lightsabers, but there is more to it than that; Shien could be used as a melee form and DJem So could be used to block ranged attacks a swell. So, where is the line drawn? Well, look at its parent Forms; Form V was developed by mixing Makashi and Soresu. As these articles have shown, these two forms seem opposed to each other in every way possible. A combative form with linear movement and a defensive form that employs 360 degrees of mobility.

Shien clearly favors its Soresu roots: It values blocking blaster rounds. With this in mind, Shien must value speed and mobility to compensate for the rapidfire ranged weapons. Offensively, attacks would be quick, relying more on speed than power. This is seen in its potential at employing an underhanded approach, where underhand blocks are close to the body or rely on deflection followed by quick strokes. Due to the structure of employing Djem so would need. The attacks were sharp and precise and moved wherever and opening could be made before the attacker knew what hit him. It should be noted that Shien could be used as an underhanded style, not that Shien was an underhanded style.

Djem So favors it's Makashi side, however, it eschews the finesse and grace of Form II and relies on overpowering and manhandling the opponent. It shares the point/counterpoint mentality of Makashi, and can be employed either one handed or two. Djem So's goal is to ultimately remove the fight out of the fighter, with some of the attacks even focusing primarily on the opponent's blade itself. It also shares Makashi's linear movement, almost to the point of being detrimental.

The purpose of FOrm V is retaliation. If you are being attacked, you return the attack in kind. The mindset is to dominate your opponent, making their attack a part of your own. The jedi were leery of this mentality, feeling it was far too aggressive for their tastes. This may have lead to a more controlled blending in the next Form, Niman.

Despite this being a marriage of two powerful Forms, Form V is not without its weaknesses. Where Shien was strong against multiple attacks, relying more on blaster fire and mobility to take care of opposition, it was not strong against a single opponent. Djem So's main weakness was its lack of mobility, as Djem So users did not cover much ground, and relied mostly on pressing the attack. This is probably why Anakin employed other more mobile Forms, as a means of compensation.

There are several levels of trying to find an appropriate analogue (or analogues) for Form V. There are what the Form sounds like, what was used to develop it, and what we have to work with in our community. There is some overlap, but it covers a wide field.

The overall philosophy of Form V resembles that of a Soft Form of Martial Art. By Soft Form, we do not mean weak. We are instead referring to the martial arts reliance more on manipulating the opponent rather than destroying them. Here's an example: Karate is a Hard Form, as in Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, and Wushu. These are all disciplines that rely on striking and taking the offensive to the opponent. Soft Forms are more passive and they rely on grappling and knowledge of body mechanics to remove an attacking opponent after he/she attacks. Several Soft Forms are JiuJitsu, Aikido, Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Systema, and a number of others. There is some overlap in the styles of course: Kung Fu uses the fluid movements of a Soft Form for Hard Form attacks.

Looking at several sword forms from the Shaolin Kung Fu Discipline, we could personally consider the discipline a perfect candidate for Shien. The moves are quick, agile, and implement many blocks, paries, and counterpoints. While we're not sure if it could be implemented towards blocking blaster fire, it functions as a good analog to Shien as a melee combat ar.

It's our belief that Djem So is a spiritual analogue to Jiu Jitsu. JiuJitsu is a martial art that focuses on responding to an attack and using power to manipulate, disarm, and create and opening in the attacker's defense to incapacitate them. This is the same criteria for Djem So, which requires power to manipulate and create an opening in the attacker. It also shares Djem So's weakness and does not employ any real mobility. However, JiuJitsu, like Shaolin Kung Fu, are both Martial Arts based on Buddhist teachings.

Another analogue for Djem So would be Longsword combat. Longswords were used primarily as hewing and slicing weapons. Longsword combat also employed catching and trapping the opponent's blade using the hild or changing from the edge to flat of the blade. This brings us ultimately to the stage aspect of the Forms. Peter Diamond was the Stunt Coordinator and Fight Coordinator for the Original Trilogy. He is credited for being the one to develop the fighting style used in those films, which he had used elements of Kendo and Longsword in it. As Djem So is used in all of those fights, he is inarguably the creator of Djem So.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form VI: Niman/Jar'Kai

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:36 pm

"Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER, AND ACHIEVE!!!"

Lightsaber Forms Niman

The Sixth Form of Lightsaber Combat is Niman. It is known as the Moderation Form, the Diplomat's Form, or the Way of the Rancor. The Rancor is a predatory creature that is massive in size, with skin tought enough to resist blaster bolts, but with small limbs, making it a creature of balance. Its status as sentient and intelligent seems to be based on the specific breed, and sometimes on an individual basis.

Niman was originally a non-lightsaber sword from that utilized two swords. It was adopted by Dark Siders. and later made its way to the Jedi and Sith. During this transition Niman became translated to a single lightsaber, while its original dual wielding version later became known as Jar'Kai. This article will discuss both.

Niman's main distinction is that it tries to combine the tactics and sword work fo the older Forms. It blended these Forms down into a uniform style, like melting down base metals and making an alloy. As Niman covered all bases, it relied strongly on the preferences, intuition, improvisational skills, and use of the Force from the wielder rather than rote and rhetoric of the other forms. While all five forms are in Niman, Soresu's defensive nature is considered it's base form.

It would best be considered a more philosophical form, in that it relies more on the mentality of the user instead of the weapon in his hand. Users were described as being a leaf riding the currents of the Force. They were calm and collected on the inside and reacted when necessary. It is this peace and serenity that should be noted, because this was not a combat form. By the end of The Old Republic, Niman had become the preferred Form of the Jedi, who were expected to be Diplomats, Ambassadors, and non combatants.

It was not by any means, an easy form. Keep in mind, students had to learn at least four of the last five forms, understand them and their applications. Then they must learn the serene philosophy and discipline of the Niman. This meant that you essentially had to master several forms. then Master the concept of Niman. It was said that Niman would take Ten Years to Master. This form demanded mental discipline and commitment.

We often wonder why Niman came to be. Our best guess is as follows: The other Five Forms had been around for  Millenia. Like all disciplines, some preferred one over the other. Soon, people would begin to argue over which form was better, more deserving of being used by the Jedi overall. This sort of dispute has been going on for millenia in real life. Members of different martial schools challenge other schools simply because they feel their form is superior. We could see Niman as an answer, creating a form that permitted all of these forms at the discretion and imagination of the user, along with a strong philosophical backgroun. In short, Niman's main tenent is most likely "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted". Niman also marks a closing of the circle, in a ways. It is similar to the first Form: Shii Cho in that they cover all bases. Both share a simplistic nature but its main difference is that while Shii Cho moves simplistically and maintains a base attitude, Niman keeps it simple while taking all of the knowledge acquired from the other Forms with it.

This makes a certain sense when one considers the combination of Jar'Kai. Using one sword is difficult enough; using two requires a high level of mental discipline and a deep understanding of bladework. There were several different ways to employ two blades, but one had to be acutely aware of where each blade was at all times.

There is really no one in the films who is an exact example of Niman. Darth Maul was known to have used it, and Obi-Wan used several Niman stances. The main user of the Form is Cin Drallig, who was the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. He was the preeminent Lightsaber Combat Instructor to all of the Jedi during the last days of the Old Republic. He knew all of the first Six Forms enough to teach them, and it would make sense that he would be a Master of the Form that employs most if not all of them (Some sources say he used Makashi in his Nima, leading to the aforementioned discrepancy). Cin Drallig is based on, andperformed by, Nick Gillard, the stunt and fight coordinator for the Prequel Trilogies. Where Peter Diamond is credited as creating Forms III and V, Gillard is credited as developing the others. As for Jar'Kai, Anakin is seen using it in his initial duel with Dooku; He is using an Ataru variation, employing spins. However, since he did not have a familiar knowledge of the bladework, he was reduced to going back to single blade. The exemplar for Jar'Kai is Asajj Ventress, Dark Jedi during the Clone Wars. She used a Makashi inspired variation of Jar'Kai in service of her Teacher, Dooku.

Niman is a well ballanced form, and doesn't have any specific weakness. If anything, it's weakness is that it doesn't have any dramatic strengths. THis is seen in the battle of Geonosis in Episode II. Every single Niman user was killed in the heated fire fight, whereas users of others Forms applied their respective strengths to cut through the opposition. This has lead Form VI to being considered too demanding of a Form. It should be noted that many who used Niman following the Diplomat's path and not the path of a warrior, hence leading to a different mindset in combat, which was that Niman stressed. Niman should be likened more to a Self Defense Form rather than one for Open Combat. This view is supported by its base in Soresu. Jar'Kai had the advantage of having two weapons in battle, however the weakness was having to focus and control the location and action of both weapons.

Before his death, Martial Arts Legel Bruce Lee had developed a "martial Concept" called Jeet Kune Do (Way of the INtercepting Fist). It was his belief that people became too hung up on patterns, forms, and styles that they were missing the point entirely. He developed the Tao of Jeet Kune Do as his belief, telling people to learn from different Martial Arts, talking with them that worked for them and discarding what's different. All the while, the practitioner should maintain a fluid form of thinking and awareness.

This is exactly the same thinking as Niman. The only exception is that Bruce Lee acknowledged that people had natural strengths and talents, and to employ that which enhanced and compensated for those. In Lee's case, he used elements of Fencing and Boxing on top of Wing Chun, the style he had started off with. These all focus on Lee's natural inclinations towards speed and reach. Niman seems to place everyone at the same keel which perhaps lessens the extent.

For Jar'Kai, many sword styles have a variation that employ two swords. Dual Katana, Broadswords, Knives, Rapier and dagger, Escrima, a Filipino martial art that focuses on dual wielding sticks (mostly bamboo or rattan) or knives. Other dual wielding forms of note is Rapier and Dagger, using the Dagger (or in the case of sabers, a Shoto) as a defensive weapon while using the main saber as the attack. Another is the Florentine Style, otherwise known as Case of Rapiers, or just Case. It is the user of two Rapiers in Tandem, and is in keeping the style with Asajj Ventress Makashi inspired Jar'Kai.

One of the prime historical examples of using two swords together is Miyamoto Musashi. Musashi, considered the High Mark in the Samurai Ideal, spent his entire life studying the art of fighting. He perfected his art against opponents from various backgrounds, who used various forms of weaponry. Eventually, he came to develop Niten Ichi-ryu (the school of the strategy of two heavens as one). Musashi considered this form, which used a katana (longsword) and a wakizashi (short sword) as the ultimate form of sword used. This use of a long and short sword is not unlike the user of standard and shoto sabers.

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Lightsaber Forms Empty Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:45 pm

"Six there were for generations of Jedi. The seventh, is not well-known."

Lightsaber Forms Juyo

Like Form V, Form VII is split into two parts. Juyo and Vaapad. They are known as the Ferocity Form and the Way of The Vornskr. The Vornskr was a vicious, predatory animal that was able to detect and hunt Force-Sensitvie creatures. Their favorite prey was the Ysalamir, the animal symbolizing Form II. This viciousness and focus on Force-Users is key in understanding Form VII.

The history of Juyo is hard to place. It first appeared about a millenia before the Rise of the current Sith Empire, around the time when the Jedi and Sith were in a state of Civil War amongst eachother. Each move was a constant form of attack and left no space for defense. Juyo attacks were bold and direct, moving in a series of seemingly unconnected movements. It was the most kinetic form, requiring a constant state of movmeent. However, it was not as acrobatically inclined as Ataru. Its main strength came from the user relying on a well of emotion, almost to the point of where they had to enjoy the combat.

This last aspect is why Juyo was eventually looked at with a cautious eye by the Jedi. Enjoying the battle, the thrill of the fight, lead to the Dark Side of the FOrce. Eventually, the Jedi Order restricted the teachings of Juy with only the highest ranked Masters being able to study it. Juyo was perfect philosophically for the Sith, whose main tenets were to give into desire and anger to relish in the combat. This has led many to believe that Juy was for Sith only, while there were still some Jedi (though few) who used it. Despite what side used it, it was widely considered the most dangerous of the Forms.

Vaapad is the youngest of the Seven Forms, having been developeed in the last few decades of the Old Repubilc. It was developed by Mace "BMF" Windu as a means of channeling his tendencies towards the Dark Side. It was developed alongside Lightsaber Combat instructor Sora Bulq. Aside from Mace and Sora, the only person to know Vaapad was Mace's Padawan, Depa Billaba. Unfortunately both Sora and Depa fell to the Dark Side, making Mace the only Master of the Form. Mace had since restricted use of the Form, so much as halting a sparring match with a friend and demanding he never use those techniques again for fear he would slip to the Dark Side.

While Vaapad was every bit Mace's Form, Juyo was exemplified by Darth Maul. Maul was Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious' first known apprentice, and master of the saberstaff. In his fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-gon Jin, he moved with nearly reckless abandon. He put all of himself, not just his body and mind, but his emotional being into every stroke. You can see in some close ups that he is enjoying this. His movements against Obi-Wan are sharp, going from one move to the next without hesitation and preable, not giving the young padawan much time to react.

Form VII is, in many ways, similar to Niman as both required the Practitioner to have mastered several of the other Forms. This took time, at least ten years if one is studying it the same way one did Niman. That mean that a Juyo/Vapaad User had to not only use these forms, but understand them at their core, to know and acknowldge what each meant. They then had to learn the principle of Juyo, to give in to their emotions and impulses and to never give up the offensive. While Form VI focused on Commitment to defense, Form VII relies on full commitment to the attack.

In a sense, Juyo is the culmination of Lightsaber Combat as a whole. Lightsaber combat began with the simplistic style of Shii Cho and Culminated in Niman, combining it and the five forms before it into a central focus and discipline. Niman was the closing of the Circle. Juyo and Vaapad are outside of that circle, relying on the user's emotional core and personal feelings above and beyond some doctrine. Form VII is, with no doubt in our mind, the Anarchist Form.

So the question becomescomes, what is the ultimate difference between Juyo and Vaapad? Ultimately, it boiled down to philosophy. Juyo relied on emotion-pure, unbridled emotion-fueling the fire of the attack; it was unrestrained inside the user while the outside remained calm. While Juyo was the Inferno, Vaapad attempts to channel that fire giving more focus and control without succumbing to it. Think of a steam locomotive: all that fire, heat and coal burning hot and keeping the engine going, with only the conductor making sure it doesn't jump off the rails.

Form VII's strength lies within its unpredictability and in its tenacity. The opponent is not sure what move will be coming next, or from where. Like Niman, the movements were at the discretion, imagination and improvisation of the user, which meant the use of either form was only as good as the quick thinking of the person using it. Another concern was becoming too engulfed by the heat of the moment, and therefore losing sight and focus of their goal and/or their surroundings.

Finally, Form VII's reliance on pure attacks left it no defense. While this can be compensated for with creative attacks, it was a particular blind spot.

In finding a martial art for Form VII, we still are drawn to the teachings of Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee studied several different arts, many of which appeal to his strengths and his preferences as a fighter. He had made his martial art a personal thing, not bound by rote or dogma. He had become a fighter that reacted on reflex to the point where he was intercepting the opponent's attack before they could fully engage (hence "The Way Of The Intercepting Fist"). Another thing to look at is the now infamou training scene in Lee's Film Enter The Dragon, where he tells his student that fighting isn't just for show. One must use emotional content in their attack. Perhaps to the chagrin of the Sith, he snapped at his student when he employed anger in his attack.

Another Martial Art that matches the overall feel and vibe with Form VII is Kenpo. It relies on fast strikes, both offensively and defensively. As a Kenpo practitioner described it "The idea isn't to just block the punch, it's to make it as uncomfortable as possible". The practitioner attacks the attackers arm, pushing it out of the way and leaving them open to follow up attacks. The attacks seem random, but it is only due to the rapid succession of blows going up the arm and to other vital or open spots.

There should be something said in terms of the movies. Juyo was based on the performance of Ray Park as Darth Maul in Episode I. Park is a champion Wushu user, and used several techniques in the fight. While we did say that Ataru employed some Wushu techniques, there is some ground for overlap. It can also be argued that Maul may have preferred using Ataru style techniques in his attacks.

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