Star Wars - Age of Darkness
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Lightsaber Resistant Materials

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Lightsaber Resistant Materials Empty Lightsaber Resistant Materials

Post by Roman Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:53 pm

"The only things that can block a lightsaber blade is another lightsaber blade; some very rare materials; and... those handrails in Cloud City"

It is a widely held belief that lightsabers are capable of cutting through anything and anyone. This is wrong. There are in the Star Wars Universe some materials that cannot be easily cut, and in some cases are out right impervious to, lightsaber beams. As one can imagine, these materials would be highly sought after by all those who use lightsabers or wished to level the playing field against the Lightsaber users. They are as follows.

Water: It should be noted that lightsaber blades could not fucntion when immersed in water. Even in heavy rains, the blade will begin to sizzle. Sabers could be modified to overcome this obstacle though, and many aquatic based Jedi and Sith were instructed to do so.

Cortosis: By far, the most common of the lightsaber resistant materials. Purified Cortosis had the ability to short out lightsaber blades for a time. Cortosis Alloy had the ability to deflect blades. Note, the raw ore for Cortosis is Ionized, and is lethal to the holder.

Phrik: Metallic ore, it is popular in the creation of weapons such as electro staffs and vibroblades. It was also used at times in the construction of lightsabers like the saber pike and Guard Shotos. These weapons required the use of the "hilt" as part of the weapon and attack, so an LSM was preferred in it's construction.

Armorweave: Reinforced cloth that gives limited resistance to blaster bolts and lightsabers.

Ultrachrome: Used from everything from ship hulls to personal shields and armor. Ultrachrome could deflect blasters, projectile weapons, and lightsaber blades by diffusing the energy across it's supreconductive surface. However, if enough energy is applied, the outer layer of the shield can melt and warp.

Mandalorian Iron: Known in the Mandalorian tongue as Beskar. By far the most powerful Lightsaber Resistant Material in the Galaxy. A combination of strong metal and exquisite metallurgy, Mandalorian Iron is folded to provide light weight protection. Breaking the armor, with a lightsaber in general, is close to impossible. It's manufacture has precedence in Real Life, as the making of Samurai Swords involves ore with above average iron content and a forging technique that folds the metal down into several thousand layers.

Life-Forms: There are several life-forms whose bodies are so armored that they reflect lightsaber blades. Some of these creatures are sought for to make armor to fight against saber users, or are breed as protectors and guardians.

The Force: Using Force Techniques has been known to block a lightsaber, even the weightless blade. Also, swords and weaponry that have been infused with the Force can also be effective.

Posts : 46
Join date : 2014-10-06

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